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To the Cloud! Exploring Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning: Wallwisher

Working within the cloud, librarians are free to explore a wide range of software and applications easily incorporated into teaching and learning.

What is Wallwisher?

Wallwisher:  Free

"Words that Stick!"

"Wallwisher is an online notice board maker."  Post sticky notes with music, videos and links. 

Wallwisher in the Classroom

Wallwisher is a collaborative place to share ideas, resources and gain feedback from your students. 

  • Brainstorming activities.  Gives students the opportunity to post topics and keywords.  Other students can then help their classmates by posting synonyms.
  • At the end of class have students post three new things they learned or questions/concerns they still have. 
  • Create a competition.  Ask questions and see who can post the answer quickest.
  • Open up the library session with "library misconceptions" have students post their feelings or misconceptions about the library.  

Post a Sticky!