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To the Cloud! Exploring Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning: QR Codes

Working within the cloud, librarians are free to explore a wide range of software and applications easily incorporated into teaching and learning.

What is a QR Code?

the cloud

QR = Quick Response

Scan the QR code with a bar-code reader on your web-enabled phone; information is transmitted to your device.

What about this code?  It was created using using the Kaywa Code Generator.

Code Reader Options

More About QR Codes

To Consider ...

QR Codes are easy to create and accompanying bar code reader apps often free.  However, students may encounter problems if Internet is not accessible in the library, or if authentication is required. In some cases the reader will save the image for use outside the library. 

 Creating a QR Code with Kaywa

QR Codes & LibGuides

The following QR Codes are embedded within three different LibGuides. As noted in the first two examples, it is possible to create a code for the entire LibGuide and for individual tabs within as needed.

EdD Guide   Dissertation Tab EdD   Caldecott Tab   EDCI 232-505
Ed.D. Research
Ed.D. Research,
Dissertations Tab
Children's Literature
Award Books, Caldecott
EDCI 232-505 LibGuide
Course Integration


QR Codes in Ashland University Library

Literature Rack Digital Sign  

IRC Literature Rack: 
QR Codes created for individual LibGuides replaced paper handouts in the Instructional Resource Center.

Library Digital Sign: 
QR Code created for the library web site. This image is in the library's digital sign rotation; located on the main floor it is less problematic accessing the web from the QR Code.