We all love the Internet. It is accessible, convenient and fast. Though the Internet provides a lot of information on almost anything you can think of, it may not be quite so easy to verify and evaluate that information. If you are going to use the Internet as your main source for information, beware! Remember, anyone can publish information on the Internet.
To help determine if you are looking at credible, quality information whether it be online or in a book or magazine, consider the "Five Ws" Who, What, When, Where and Why. If you can't find the answers to these questions then it may be best to look for another source.
Ask yourself:
Ask yourself:
Ask yourself:
Ask yourself:
Ask yourself:
Work in groups for this activity. Click on the links to the websites below. Take a look at each website. Use the following criteria to evaluate the sites.
Ask Yourself.....
Who is the author? Are they reputable?
Who is the audience? Is the information biased?
Is the information true? Can you find this information elsewhere?
When was the site last updated?
Would you use these sites as sources for a research paper?
Click on the websites below and evaluate them.
Vote for the website that seems to be the most credible.
One way to effectively search the Internet is to use Google Advanced Search. Visit www.google.com next to the search box click on Advanced Search. Type in your search terms in the top box. In the very bottom box type in the domain you want. Ex: .gov, .edu for the most credible websites.
The domain name is an indicator of the sponsoring organization of a particular website
.gov Government: The purpose is generally to inform, to post public documents, and to present research findings or statistics.
.edu Education: The purpose is typically to teach, inform, or present research.
(Note: Remember that as students and faculty we are all given web space to publish any information we choose! Be mindful of .edu)
.org Organization: The purpose may be to inform or present research, but it is frequently to sway opinion or recruit support.
.com Commercial: The purpose is usually to sell or promote a company, product or service
.net Network: The purpose is normally to provide services to organizations, both private and commercial, as well as to individuals.
One way to effectively search the Internet is to use Google Advanced Search. Visit www.google.com next to the search box click on Advanced Search. Type in your search terms in the top box. In the very bottom box type in the domain you want. Ex: .gov, .edu for the most credible websites.