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DHY132: Research Using the Digital Library

This guide will assist you in completing your article critique assignment.

What You Will Learn

This guide will provide you with information that will assist you with your research.

It includes:

  • What is a scholarly article.
  • Accessing library databases.
  • Conducting a database search to find full text and/or scholarly articles.
  • How to read a scholarly article.

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Tips for Reading a Scholarly Article

- You don't have to read the entire article start to finish. Look at the different sections independently. You will find some sections easier to understand and pull facts from then others. 

- Read critically. Is there any bias? Look at sample size or population to see how the data was collected and analyzed. 

- If you come across a word you aren't familiar with stop and look it up. Researchers use a lot of terminology that you might not yet be familiar with. 

- Look at the references to find additional research. 


How to Find Scholarly Articles for Dental Research

*click the arrows to expand to full screen for better viewing

Tips for Reading a Scholarly Article